Restoring Lawns after Summer

Restoring Lawns after Summer

How do I restore my lawn after a hot summer?

Unfortunately the hot summer months can take its toll on your lawn. The key to it surviving Summer is simply plenty of water. Autumn is an excellent time to renovate your Summer ravaged lawn and give it a little TLC to bring it back to life.

Where good areas of grass are still in existence, feed them with Daltons Premium Lawn Fertiliser at three to four weekly intervals from now until the end of April. It is absolutely critical that the lawn is well watered after application.

In larger areas where grass is either nonexistent or of poor quality; top soil should be spread and new lawn seed sown. Sprinkle the seed in an even pattern, walking away from the starting point so you are not standing on the seed. Apply grass seed to the surface of the soil - do not cover with top soil as the seed is very fine and will not germinate well if covered.

In smaller areas that need repairing you can use Daltons Premium Lawn Patching Gold which contains seed, fertiliser, coir & expanding mulch granules in one bag, and is very easy to use. 

Regardless of which task you embark on, it’s essential to maintain constant soil moisture so new seeds germinate and the lawn greens up and becomes healthier overall.
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