Dry Lawns

Dry Lawns

How to prevent uneven growth

This is actually a very common problem. Near paths, fences, paved areas and drive ways, the soil tends to be warmer than the rest of the lawn (this is brought about by reflected heat from the hard surfaces).  When it is exceptionally dry in late summer months, the soil will pull away and crack in these areas.

To fix the problem, add new top soil and sow new grass seed. The ideal time to do this in Autumn when it’s a little cooler. It may be necessary to repeat this exercise in the following year until the shrinkage is finally contained. 

Daltons has a great product called Premium Lawn Patching Gold which is ideal for re-sowing in these types of smaller areas. Everything is in the one bag - seed, soil and fertiliser, so it’s very easy to use.

Make sure to keep watering your lawn during the hot summer months (early morning or early evening is best). This will help reduce the cracking in your lawn and maintain healthy grass growth.

Finally, apply the last application of lawn fertiliser for the season to the rest of your lawn.
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